The Phantom Lorry, A57

The events surrounding this haunting take place in 1929-30 along a stretch of the A57, the road which crosses the Pennines through the Peak District from Manchester to Sheffield.
According to local stories a Phantom Lorry haunted the area between Hyde and Mottram-in-Longdendale and during the time it was active over sixteen major road accidents took place resulting in three deaths and many more injuries. 

The New Inn, which, now converted to houses, had a picture of a lorry on its sign - probably a reference to the Phantom Lorry.

The New Inn also has another chilling claim - it used to be the local of Moor Murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley who's house on Wardlebrook Avenue used to stand behind the inn till it was demolished.

Additionally the inn was reputedly haunted by a ghost named Mary.
In his book "Ghosts and Legends of the Peak District" David Clarke (who has researched strange events in Longdendale for many, many years) tells us that the local coroner was so concerned by the string of inexplicable accidents that he took a jury to the spot at midnight to look for evidence.

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